November 8, 2014

Viaje Temporal

This fun short film is about a guy wanting to go back in time so he can keep himself from breaking the game console right after he completed his game. Features geekiness, a messy flat, and weirdly labeled cereal boxes. Actual time travel might just happen.

Fun stuff.

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On Vimeo:

"Viaje Temporal", Cortometraje from CRISAL FILMS on Vimeo.

Directed by Alberto Santaella

On YouTube, with English subtitles:
*There are English subtitles for this, which you can enable as captions on the video.

Viaje Temporal, on YouTube

Viaje Temporal is a Spanish-language short film about a guy going back into the past to keep himself from breaking his PS2 right after he completes his game. With English subtitles.


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